My Cats Are French

They are often haughty and aloof. They have a serious aversion to bathing. They eat disgusting things. They prefer their females unshaven. They are certain of their superiority to the point of arrogance even though they are neutered. But unlike the French, these boys are sweet, lovable fur balls who do not care for Jerry Lewis movies. And they never, ever surrender.

Name: CFOMahm
Home: Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States
About Me: Italian/Polish (yes, that does make me both opinionated and dense, but there is definitely good eating at my house!). Fan of bad jokes, crossword puzzle addict, old enough to know better, but still young enough not to care. Known to the Gang of Three as "Mommy Cat - Almighty Keeper of the Can Opener and Mistress of the Front Door".
See my complete profile

Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday! Time to Catblog!

It has been a busy week. There have been a couple people on vacation this week at work, so I have worked a little overtime. The extra $$$ will be nice but it was hard to find a chance to blog without giving up some other activity. In my case that would be dance classes. I would rather skip the blogging than miss a class. Right now I'm doing classes three nights a week. On Saturdays (sometimes Fridays as well) my partner and I go out and get to practice what we've been learning. I have learned that I do not know how to count to eight.

But today is Friday and I have to make time to catblog. The boys have been pretty well behaved this week. They must be trying to make a good last minute impression on Santa Claws. Or perhaps it's just the snow and cold that has made them lazy and docile and I am mistaking that for good behavior. Except for Zath'ras of course - he is always up to some mischief. I wondered how they would like the big tree - it was absent last year and I wasn't sure if they would have any memories of it.

Mr. Bigglesworth could not wait for the tree to go up. He had to get under it as soon as the first three layers of branches were attached.

Zath'ras waited patiently till the decorations were on and then proceeded to be a bad, bad kitty. As if he doesn't hack up enough hairballs without adding aluminum Christmas tree bits to the mix.

Pumpkin had no interest in a fake tree that can't be climbed or used for claw sharpening and has no tasty birds perched in it.

For all you cat lovers, be sure to visit the Friday Ark, and also get your submissions in for this week's Carnival Of The Cats. Carnival #91 will be hosted by Music and Cats. The boys and I wll see you there. Carnival # 90 is running right now at Quite Early One Morning. The triplets are just three of the many fine felines participating. Enjoy!


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