It's No Myth
As we have prejudices about virtually every nation in the world, it won't be a surprise that we have strong prejudices about our fellow-Arabs, the Lebanese. We see them as "smoothies", louche, French-influenced, into all sort of Haram entertainment, particularly belly-dancing and cabaret-singing, although their cooking is quite good.I have some experience dealing with Middle Eastern men & Lebanese men in particular.. Indeed they do think they are God's gift to women.
My first day living in Dearborn, Michigan I was walking down the street and two of them pulled up beside me in their Pontiac Firebird (THE cruising-for-chicks car of choice for young males at the time) and wanted to know if I'd like to go for a ride. They looked like a couple of "wild & crazy guys" and added that they had Led Zeppelin tapes. Whew-wee!! Now there's a an offer I found hard to refuse. Those silver-tongued devils almost talked me into it.
/sarc off
The rest of my two years in Dearborn were pretty much downhill from there. Same old, same old. I'm no beauty to be sure, but I don't have a face that frightens small children. I was young then (early twenties). And I was blond. Guessing I must have looked pretty stupid/naive too. Not a day went by that I didn't get hit on by at least one gold-chain-sporting, too-much-cologne-wearing, glib-talking jackass.
This one in which he explains the Muslim Offense Level (similar to our Terrorist Alert Level) is excellent also. Right now we are at "Elevated"...
Meaning - We are definitely cross, because people keep blaming us for 9/11, Parisian cars getting torched, Saudi women getting stoned
Non-Muslim response - Pretend that these things have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, tell everyone how we brought algebra to 9th Century Spain
Consequence of non-compliance - We will cause even more mayhem. Did you leave your car out in the street?
Definitely worth a visit & a bookmark.
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