Gotta Do What You Can With What You Got
Well I have to say that I plain gave up on trying to learn ftp and WordPress.
I'm just don't have the time. Unlike those d**n kids that are still living in their parents' basement, hitting the bong and playing "Gears Of War", I actually have to go out and earn a living and try to help maintain a household. (D**n kids - "Hey! Get off my lawn!)
But I enjoyed blogging and may as well do it as best I can even if I can't figure out how to publish on my own domain. So I am back to blogspot, and I ain't tryin' nuthin' new, EVER again.
Not to mention how busy I have been with the new baby.
Meet Mick. The newest addition to My Cats Are French.
Mick joined the family when his owner moved back to her home in Mississippi. He was left with my mother in law and she was fine with that. However, being a rambunctious youngster, Mick wanted to claw up MIL's furniture. DH came home one day and told me that MIL had made an appointment to get Mick declawed. I looked at DH and he looked at me and I said, "Well, you know what that means." It meant we had to bring Mick to our house and at least try to see if he could fit in with our boys so that he could be spared the surgery. Now far be it from me to ever criticize anyone for having their cat declawed. There are so many poor homeless cats that I would much rather see one be declawed and have a loving home than living in the street or being euthanised. But, since this is what the boys have already done to all our furniture, we figured one more clawing cat wouldn't matter.

So, Mick has become part of the family. The triplets are not exactly mean to their younger "cousin", but they seem to delight in harassing him at times. Mick likes to hiss at them and see if he can get something started that will end in the boys getting a dose of the "Squirt Bottle Of Death". But there has been very minimal bloodshed, and for that I am grateful.
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